Thursday, November 21, 2013


         -blue has many meanings like Intelligent, peaceful, Deep, Cold and sometime people say that blue is a color for boys but there's more to that for me Blue represent me alot when it comes to DEEP most of the time when i'm in IDLE MODE I think to many thoughts that it is so deep no one can predict my thoughts and I like peace when it comes to some certain events i like peace and order and organized event i hate and it irritates me when the event is so unorganized.

      -yellow is a cheerful, playful, joyful, curious and coward color and i think it describes me again because if the cheerful part I'm not a moody person because most of the time im happy because in life i have my own way of making thing interesting and i keep telling to myself that if im going to make things im going to make it happily and that goes with being joyful and my favorite of being a yellow colored person is being a curious person, because i have so many question in life that i want to know and sometimes being a curious person helps me a lot because it drives me to do something to know something and i think being a curious person is a smart thing to do.

   -Green natural because we can see it everywhere i mean not everywhere but mostly in NATURE itself i don't know why but when i look at green stuffs i feel free its like im so relaxed that the wind can take me along it path and i feel safe and talking about being relaxed i like being relaxed because i hate panicking and it can destroy me and it can even destroy someone around me, and most of the time i feel lucky , or being lucky is just natural to me and its because im already lucky because i have a life and friends and other things in my life that i can't think of.

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