Thursday, November 21, 2013



  • Photoshop preference
I never knew that we can do this in photoshop resetting the factory settings and i think it enlighten me to the world of photoshop

  • General
this is where you can find the general setting for photoshop
  • Interface
In this part you can choose what color of the UI
  • File handling
and in this setting this how photoshop handles your files from saving to compatibility
  • Performance
in here you can see how much memory is eaten , and you can set the history states/cache levels depending on the power of your computer
  • Cursors
In you can set the default brush here
  • Transparency and gamut'
The checkered background is the bottom part of the working area you can change the colors too
  • Unit & Rulers
Here you can change the ssetting of the ruler from metric system to english system depends on you ,
  • Guides, Grids & slices
this are the guidelines the guides you if the elements you will put in the working area are aligned to each other or is it in the middle or not.
*examples of guides in photoshop
-smart guide

  • Content aware
this is a editing technique available only in photoshop that removes a specific subject from the and the photoshop will do the work in filling the missing part and adapts to the background

  • puppet warp
this is a technique or Presets in photoshop that allows you to put Pins in a certain positions specially if you going to puppet a human figure the pins are in the Joints and this will enable you to move the parts of the body freely but this requires you to do it in the seperate layer

  • pixel
comes from the word picture elements , from picture to pic and elements to el and combine you will get PICEL


         -blue has many meanings like Intelligent, peaceful, Deep, Cold and sometime people say that blue is a color for boys but there's more to that for me Blue represent me alot when it comes to DEEP most of the time when i'm in IDLE MODE I think to many thoughts that it is so deep no one can predict my thoughts and I like peace when it comes to some certain events i like peace and order and organized event i hate and it irritates me when the event is so unorganized.

      -yellow is a cheerful, playful, joyful, curious and coward color and i think it describes me again because if the cheerful part I'm not a moody person because most of the time im happy because in life i have my own way of making thing interesting and i keep telling to myself that if im going to make things im going to make it happily and that goes with being joyful and my favorite of being a yellow colored person is being a curious person, because i have so many question in life that i want to know and sometimes being a curious person helps me a lot because it drives me to do something to know something and i think being a curious person is a smart thing to do.

   -Green natural because we can see it everywhere i mean not everywhere but mostly in NATURE itself i don't know why but when i look at green stuffs i feel free its like im so relaxed that the wind can take me along it path and i feel safe and talking about being relaxed i like being relaxed because i hate panicking and it can destroy me and it can even destroy someone around me, and most of the time i feel lucky , or being lucky is just natural to me and its because im already lucky because i have a life and friends and other things in my life that i can't think of.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

what is the subject and who is teaching the subject?
     the subject is Principles of design and Color Theory and our Professor is No other than Rey

What have I learned today?
      I have learned that i'm a real beginner and i have learned what to do when it comes to designing that you need to know your goal

What are nMy expectations?
       My expectations are that I'll learn alot because i'm learning from the best. .and I expect that I'll make progress in this semester because in this subject there's a lot of Project outputs