Wednesday, August 27, 2014

To sum it up but not enough.

      When I was using a DSLR before I dont nothing about the settings in this so called cameras then I found that I have photography in my curriculum then I was introduced to the "EXPOSURE TRIANGLE" Shutter speed, Aperture and ISO and this the foundation in Photography when I Learned every single of them I took a big step in photography and never knew how easy it was and how cool it was to set a camera with your own efforts and then our instructor told to take picture of something that will catch your interest if you look to the picture on the right that is the picture I took and It did caught interest I used the rule of thirds that was taught to us last semester and the story of this picture is pretty simple I was looking around looking for a subject and then in the midst of tall grasses I found this badboy and then took the picture in different angles and then came up with this.

     And as the class progresses alot of techniques and terms were taught to us for example the different patterns of Lights. the Split, loop, rembrandt and butterfly
 this one is Split lighting with rembrandt
 this one is a Butterfly patterm

A loop one
and this one is a SPLIT LIGTHING

 with those learning we have a strong foundation in Photography then the models came in. we're taking pictures of a model with studio lights and stuffs .. and I have pictures of them

and the learning goes on . .